We can assist you in transferring property between related or associated parties, regardless of whether there is a Contract of Sale. We can also assist in preparing other documents and applications for lodgement at the land titles office.
Our list of services in this process includes obtaining your instructions, providing any relevant advice on the transaction, preparing and arranging execution of the necessary documents, liaising with all relevant parties and arranging for stamping and lodging (as applicable).
Transfers of ownership between related parties may result in adverse tax and stamp duty implications, and we therefore recommend you seek our advice before proceeding with the transaction. We are able to provide you with advice on complex stamp duty matters, as well as advise you on any applicable concession or exemption.
You should always seek your accountant or tax consultant’s advice for any capital gain, GST or other similar tax implication that may result from your proposed property transaction.
For further details and information or an obligation free quote, contact us on (03) 8390 4392 or [email protected].